Your guide

Karina Del Punta, PhD, is an award-winning molecular biologist, an artist, and a certified Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) guide. Karina has always been fascinated by the natural world. As a scientist, she is driven by the curiosity to understand the underlying principles of biological processes and has performed research on the molecular mechanisms of sensory perception and behavior. As an artist, her goal is to capture and share that which words cannot convey. And as a Forest Bathing/Therapy guide, her passion is to facilitate and hold space for others to experience by themselves the power, beauty and true healing that arises from being present and becoming intimate with nature.

Karina holds a B.S./M.S. in Biology from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD in Molecular Neuroscience from The Rockefeller University. During her time at Rockefeller, she served as a Research Professor and earned prestigious honors for her research. Her work has been published in top peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as Nature.

Karina Del Punta is currently the Miami Beach Botanical Garden Nature Therapy guide-in-residence.